The Consent Decree requires that policing in Cleveland be effective – keeping its communities and officers safe.
The Decree notes that "Constitutional policing and effective policing are interdependent, and rely on a strong partnership between the police department and the communities that it serves." An enhanced relationship grounded in mutual respect and trust between CDP and Cleveland's diverse communities will enhance the ability of the community and the Division to work together to keep Cleveland safe.
A number of the Decree's specific provisions are geared toward ensuring the safety of officers and community members alike, as well as a stronger relationship between police and community that can result in an enduring, effective partnership to address core law enforcement and community needs.
creation & implementation of a community and problem-oriented policing model
The Decree requires that CPD develop and implement a comprehensive and integrated community and problem-oriented policing model in order to promote and strengthen partnerships within the community, engage constructively with the community to ensure collaborative problem-solving, and increase community confidence in CPD.
updated equipment & enhanced officer resources
With the goal of ensuring that CPD is provided with the resources, equipment, and updated technology necessary to implement the requirements of the Consent Decree and to allow officers to perform their jobs safely, effectively, and efficiently, the City and CPD will be working to ensure that the Division has an adequate number of computers; operable and safe police cars; police cars with reliable, functioning computers that provide officers with up-to-date technology; and e-mail functionality that can be used throughout the Division.
reforms to recruitment & hiring processes
To maintain high-level, quality service, ensure officer safety and accountability, and promote constitutional, effective policing, CDP will review and revise as necessary its recruitment and hiring program to ensure that CDP successfully attracts and hires a diverse group of qualified individuals.
changes to process for performance evaluations & promotions
CDP will ensure that officers who police professionally and effectively are recognized through the performance evaluation process, and that officers who lead professionally and effectively are identified and receive appropriate consideration for promotion.
adjustments to officer deployment
Under the Decree, CDP must complete a comprehensive staffing study to assess the appropriate number of sworn and civilian personnel to perform the functions necessary for CDP to fulfill its mission, and satisfy the other requirements of the Decree.